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Paid ad appearing in The Washington Post, The Washington Times, and The Northwest Current

Word is Out, Mr. Mayor: Your Administration's favoritism toward affluent voters is inexcusable.

Business Exchange Network

Dear Mayor Williams:

Your Administration's favoritism is inexcusable. You continue to give the predominately affluent Ward 3 voters whatever they want. But you fail to give the rest of your inner-city citizens the same consideration. Your administration admits it.

Most recently, you blocked the construction of the Tenleytown telecommunications tower after the well-to-do residents of Ward 3 voiced concern over the tower's location. In your rush to keep your rich citizens happy, you overstepped your authority, exposing the District of Columbia to a $250 million dollar lawsuit.

Just one more thing Mr. Mayor: It has come to our attention that you have no problem constructing a similar tower in an inner-city neighborhood. Your own staffers admit it.

Would you give a handful of people protesting from an inner-city neighborhood the same consideration as you continue to give the more affluent citizens of Ward 3? I guess we already know the answer, Mr. Mayor. We have repeatedly asked this administration to set aside personal politics and be fair and even-handed in its decision making process. We have been ignored.

Now, your pandering to the wealthy residents of Ward 3 threatens to cost the taxpayers money.

As a long-standing organization representing minority business owners in the District, the Business Exchange Network is outraged that you are playing politics with such an important technological building block. Not giving your poor residents an equal voice in their government is shameful enough. But increasing their tax burden by exposing the District to a multi-million dollar lawsuit is inexcusable.


William Reed
Business Exchange Network


Item about Reed in The Washington Post
Reed's letter to the editor of The Washington Times
Eagle News (where the Business Exchange Network resides)

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