Stop the Tower

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Paid ad appearing in The Washington Post, The Washington Times, and The Northwest Current

Tax Dollars and Technology at Risk in D.C.

Lately, D.C. Mayor Anthony Williams has been touting his record of attracting technology companies to Washington, D.C. Many have applauded his efforts.

But the mayor's decision to order work stoppage on the telecommunications tower at Tenleytown's Broadcast Hill, which would replace three aging towers and modernize telecommunications throughout the entire city, could jeopardize everything the mayor wishes to accomplish.

Mayor Williams' suspension of this project, which was approved twice by 13 separate city agencies, has exposed the city to a $250 million lawsuit, equal to $500 for every man, woman and child in D.C. The defense of the lawsuit, which the city is likely to lose, will waste more of the taxpayer's money. The mayor's actions in this case, on top of his recent decision to impose a moratorium on "tech hotels," or data centers, threaten D.C.'s hopes of becoming a technology hotbed, adding further to taxpayer woes.

In a city which must compete with Maryland and Virginia for high-paying technology jobs and be hospitable to businesses and families, does blocking access to HDTV and improved wireless communications for all D.C. residents really seem like a good idea?

Stand up for technology and your tax dollars. Call Mayor Williams at (202) 727-6263. Tell him to stop standing in the way of progress and let the tower go up.

Paid for by Citizens Against Government Waste

Webmaster's note: Citizens Against Government Waste is best known for exposing Congressional "pork barrel" projects, not for weighing in on local issues.

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