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… an alphabet soup of radiation: electromagnetic radiation, electromagnetic fields, radiofrequency radiation. Here are links to sources of information on the radiation involved in television, radio, and cellular communications.


Independent Expert Group on Mobile Phones (IEGMP)
Report: Mobile Phones and Health (4/28/00) (the "Stewart Report"). A mother lode of information; the report "proposes that a precautionary approach be adopted until more robust scientific information becomes available" (p. iii).
Summary and Recommendations
Of particular interest: recommendations regarding the siting of "base stations" (that is, tower- or roof-mounted antennas/emitters)
See also the Salzburg Conference on cell tower siting.
The EMR Network: Citizens and professionals for the responsible use of electromagnetic radiation
From their mission statement: "We believe that electromagnetic radiation (EMR), which includes the extremely low frequencies (ELF), the radio frequencies (RF) and microwave (MW) radiation, may be hazardous to life and may constitute a significant threat to public health. This belief is based on credible research, spanning decades of scientific inquiry. Our mission is to enhance local, regional, national, and international efforts to reduce, mitigate, and where possible, eliminate hazardous exposure to EMR."
FEB: The Swedish Association for the Electrosensitive
Information in English and/or Swedish about electrosensitivity, formerly known as "Electrical Oversensitivity" or "Electrical Hypersensitivity" phenomenon. Can be slow to load via modem, but worth the wait.
The Council on Wireless Technology Impacts (CWTI)
The site is undergoing a redesign; includes a list of studies on the biological effects of radiofrequency non-ionizing radiation.


US Federal Communication Commission:
Office of Engineering and Technology
Wireless Telecommunications Bureau
Antenna Tower Registration
Australian Senate:
Committee on Environment, Communications, Information Technology and the Arts (scroll down to the eighth item on the left, then scroll down until you see the EMR inquiry). Libby Kelly, Executive Director of the Council on Wireless Technology Impacts, writes: "Some of the files are very long, but for anyone involved in this issue are absorbing to read. ... You need to be aware that the industry has been coaching a couple of the senators as to questions, etc., and in a few cases one senator in particular descends to bullying tactics."


International Conference on Cell Tower Siting: Linking Science & Public Health, Salzburg June 7-8, 2000
Here you'll find the Salzburg Resolution and a summary of the proceedings. If you know German, follow the link to the German-language site--there's much more there.


No Place to Hide
Published by the Cellular Phone Taskforce (Mendocino, California), an environmental organization dedicated to halting the expansion of wireless communications; Arthur Firstenberg, Editor. Phone: 718.434.4499.
Microwave News
A journal that comprehensively covers the subject. The website contains useful information, but not the complete content of the print journal. Subscriptions are $325/year; six-month trial subscription is $175. Microwave News, PO Box 1799, Grand Central Station, New York NY 10163; phone: (212) 517-2800, fax: (212) 734-0316; e-mail:


"Microwave And Radiofrequency Radiation Exposure: A Growing Environmental Health Crisis?" by Cindy Sage, San Francisco Medicine (March 2001).
Sage writes: "Can radiofrequency radiation (RFR) adversely affect vital processes in the human body? The answer is clearly yes. Can this occur at environmental levels of exposure? The answer is clearly yes. Which processes? What levels? This short paper is an introduction to what we know (and do not know) about RFR."
"Waves of Doubt," The Boston Phoenix (April 1-8, 1999)
Thought-provoking article; American Tower is mentioned.
Report of Sage Associates to the Scottish Parliament's Telecommunications Inquiry Committee
Summarizes research on bioeffects of RFR (from DNA changes to sleep disruption)
Sen. Leahy's press release
Leahy asks the US Supreme Court to hear case regarding communication tower siting.

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